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Acupuncture is the 2000 year old practice of directing and rebalancing the bodies physiology by way of targeting the biological energy systems of the body. This biological energy has many names, Prana, Spirit, Breath, or Qi. Without this energy system conducting throughout the body, there would be no physiological processes happening and therefore no life. Acupuncture strategically places needles along meridian pathways, analogous to the connective tissue, in order to effect the flow of this energy.
When the body receives input from the needle, there is a whole cascade of healing mechanisms. There is an affect at the neurological level, reprogramming the limbic system’s response to pain. There is a release of endogenous pain killers, enkephalins and endorphins. There is an anti-inflammatory response regulating the nitric oxide levels in the tissue and the cytokine production. There is an immunological response by stimulating and regulating the white blood cells and T-cells. And, there is the ability to stimulate regeneration of new tissue by stimulating the production of stems cells.
All these mechanisms make it possible for acupuncture to be able to treat a number of different conditions.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine has been used as a form of medicine for more than 2000 years. Chinese herbal therapy has proven successful in treating a variety of diseases, everything from internal medical issues, infectious disease, physical trauma, and mental/emotional stress.
The advantages of herbal therapy have gained enormous awareness in the medical community during the past ten years. The understanding of how diverse plant chemicals can be used to help sick individuals has been the subject of extensive research.
Chinese herbal medicine has a distinctive method of treatment. Chinese herbal wisdom recognizes that a single herb alone only has so much healing potential, instead a herbalist in Chinese medicine seeks to customize a complex formula of multiple herbs, each contributing and supporting the other. With this kind of treatment approach, Chinese Herbal Medicine is known for supporting and treating various kinds of conditions
Bodywork Therapy
Oriental Bodywork refers to a number of traditional massage techniques that focus on the meridian and connective tissues pathways of the body. Through examination and palpation a practitioner of Oriental Bodywork can feel for the subtle adhesions and imbalances in the connective tissue pathways. These areas of tension as well as areas of weakness, can be brought into balance through different techniques of pressure and manipulation. The various forms of Oriental Bodywork include…
Tui Na Massage
Shiatsu Massage
Thai Massage
Ayurvedic Massage
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